Sunday, January 26, 2020

Human Error and Perceptual Control Theory

Human Error and Perceptual Control Theory Overview In this paper, I will explore and advocate the importance of both Human Error and Perceptual Control Theory for design of complex human-machine systems, enhanced user experience and better human performance and safety. Human Error Errors are the result of actions that fail to generate the intended outcomes (SKYbrary). Human operators are one of the biggest sources of errors in any complex system (Shelton, 1999). According to Sanders McCormick (1976), Human error is an inappropriate or undesirable human decision or behavior that reduces, or has the potential for reducing effectiveness, safety and performance of a system and/or human (Kurniawan). Error Types Researchers have differentiated between two types of error:1) slipsand lapses 2) mistakes. Slips and lapses According to SKYbrary, a person intends to carry out an action, the action is appropriate, carries it out incorrectly, and the desired goal is not achieved an execution failure has occurred. Execution errors result from failures in the execution and/or storage stage of an action sequence. Slips relate to observable actions and are commonly associated with attentiveness or perceptual failures. Lapses are more internal events and generally involve failures of memory (SKYbrary). Mistakes As mentioned in, Mistakes occur when an intended outcome is not achieved even though there was adherence to the steps in the plan. This is usually a case in which the original plan was wrong, was followed, and resulted in an unintended outcome ( Error mechanisms The following three error mechanisms are widely accepted, which correlate with human performance levels. Skill-based errors Errors of execution Occur during highly routine activities or automated tasks with occasional checks Action chosen by the operator but not in accordance with the operator’s intentions Done by highly experienced individuals due to inattention or distraction Rule-based errors Applies to familiar situations Incorrect application of a good rule, correct application of a bad rule or failure to apply a good rule Knowledge-based errors Occur in unique and unfamiliar situations Result from inadequate analysis or decision making (trial and error) Done by operators with insufficient knowledge Applications of Human error theory Human error is inevitable. However, human error mitigation strategies could be devised by understanding various error mechanisms and triggers, as depicted in the human error theory. Superior system design, better recruitment and selection of operators, training, stress and fatigue prevention measures, better equipment procedures and improved work environment can reduce error consequences and likelihood. By understanding human error, system designers can plan for likely error scenarios, and implement barriers to prevent or mitigate the occurrence of potential errors. Some approaches to build a better human machine interaction system are explained below. Identification of error environment First step in human error mitigation approach is to understand the work environment, recognize capacity of the users, identify possible loopholes n the system and be familiar with potential user error occurrence and consequences. Likelihood of an error and severity of potential harm should also be examined. For example, FDA (Food and Drug Administration) requires manufacturers to submit a failure analysis report FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis) while launching any new medical device. Design solutions to address errors Error elimination First and foremost design strategy is to eliminate design features, which are sources of user errors. Design weaknesses identified during observation and task analysis should be removed or revised. Removal of excessive and irrelevant information, inclusion of validity checks and task automations are some design aspects that support error elimination approach. Additionally, carrying out periodical test runs of the system might be helpful in eliminating some of the rules based errors. Error reduction Designers should try to reduce error occurrences for features that cannot be removed completely. Building consistent designs and providing alerts, warnings, confirmations and other necessary feedback to users may prevent users to make errors of execution (skill-based errors). Consequence elimination Consequence elimination is an approach to prevent potential harm after the occurrence of error. Designers can devise features that provide information about potential harm and ways to correct the situation (e.g. undo) and/or prevent onset of side effects (e.g. automatic locking or shutdown, process delays) in order to prevent error consequences. Consequence reduction This is a last design alternative a designer can look into if above mentioned options are not feasible to incorporate. Decreasing the effect of error is helpful especially in catastrophic situations. Design of supplementary features is usually necessary to achieve this purpose. Backup and restore features, automatic reporting to stakeholders/police/medical teams and automated substitute drug delivery are some of the techniques for reducing effects of consequences. Error elimination and error reduction are often the most cost effective methods to avert user errors. Trainings Knowledge-based errors can be eliminated to some extent by providing system-oriented trainings, especially to novice users. On the other hand, a different training program could be devised for experienced users. Periodical trainings could keep experts up-to-date with latest developments in their field and assess their knowledge of system procedural checks. Essentially, this may help minimizing skill-based errors. Perceptual Control Theory (PCT) Perceptual control theory (PCT) is a theory of human and animal behavior. It is based on the principles of control theory (Powers, 1973). As cited by Lulham (2005), at the core of PCT is the idea that many of the processes involved in how human functions are most appropriately conceptualized and modelled as dynamic control processes (Powers, 1999b). Control processes are proposed to be fundamental to many functions including those related to physiological (e.g. temperature regulation), neural (e.g. attention), motor control (e.g. driving a car), psychological (e.g. maintenance of a criminal identity) and social (e.g. staff-detainee relationship) functions (Lulham, 2005). According to Cherry Farrel (1998), PCT exploits the concept of a purpose behind the behaviour. A perception (which is a transformation of stimuli from the world) is then compared to its reference signal, and a perceptual error is generated. A person acts on the world in such a manner to minimise this error. The stabilisation of this control loop is the essence of PCT (Chery Farrell , 1998). Applications of PCT Using perceptions for building complex systems System environments are becoming increasingly complex. Traditional cause and effect methods of understanding system operations and user interactions may not work well in order to employ personalization and user experience in these complex systems. According to, the person compares a ‘standard’ (what they want) with what they are experiencing right now (their perception). The difference between the two – the discrepancy or error is being measured. The bigger the error the more the effort the person makes to reduce it, until the error is zero – this means they get what they want ( The basic premise of PCT is that human behavior is not about the behavior itself, but about reinforcing desired perception (O’Neal, 2012). Understanding and applying this concept of individually preferred perceptions through PCT will help in designing effective personal information management for complex systems and enhancing the overall user experience. User research and analysis PCT is particularly helpful in understanding users’ behaviors and motives behind their actions. Often system designers evaluate possible system states and static change in control values needed to achieve those states. Tasks are carried out on the controls to attain the new state and user is though of as a controller of these tasks. Designers use task analysis method to perform user research and concentrate on physical tasks a user performs. However, instead of system oriented or designer oriented view, PCT goes much deeper and offers user’s standpoint. PCT provides framework to realize dynamic nature of user interactions. System designers can use PCT to understand how users constantly perceive and compare system states and take dissimilar actions to reinstate appropriate system state every time. Furthermore, Powers (1973) proposed behavior as a control of perceptions. Instead of focusing on a physical activity during the task analysis, PCT suggests focusing on users’ behaviors that lead them to perform actions to achieve desired perception (system state). Thus, using the PCT framework, designers can integrate physical, cognitive and behavioral sides of a user’s interaction with the system. Moreover, PCT analysis of intentions from different user groups exposes their shared narrative, which in turn, helps in finding system requirements for hidden, absent user (O’Neal, 2012). For example, a customer service representative might use call center software while working to resolve an issue with a customer. While the customer is not a direct user of the software system, he is affected indirectly. The customer here is a hidden user. His perceptions should be analyzed to understand his requirements and objectives while developing the call center system. Empowered designs PCT offers a design framework toward the satisfaction of the users desired percepts. Human-machine system performance is enhanced when the displays and controls are designed to allow the operator to perceive and transmit information in order to minimize the perceptual error (Chery Farrell , 1998). According to PCT, when a user interacts with the system, he is constantly trying to bring equilibrium, changing his perception to the reference point, which is his new perception. Keeping this in mind, a designer should build the system that transforms from an old state to the new state seamlessly, provides estimate of gap between old and new state, furnish necessary feedback to keep the user aware of the environment variables and helps the user to manage disturbances. These functionalities will help users to gain accurate information regarding their perceptions, empower them to undertake correct amount of action to reach to new perception, ultimately helping them achieve self-regulation and stability. For example, the windshield of the car let the user scan his environment and gather information necessary to their perception, the car dashboard continuously displays speed and other important elements to help user assess different system states, and the gear stick helps user achieve n ew state from the old one smoothly. Other features like wiper, headlights, turn signals etc. facilitate users to manage disturbances as much as possible. Thus, human-machine designs should be compatible with user’s interpretations of information in order to improve their decision making process and overall system performance. Conclusion Both human error and PCT frameworks are valuable in building complex system designs to facilitate information management, enhance security and improve both system and human performance. By understanding fundamentals of human errors, designers can build a system that is more usable, provides meaningful feedbacks and include training, procedural checks and incentive programs. However, according to Shelton (1999), there is a trade-off between making the HCI relatively easy and intuitive and ensuring that system safety is not compromised by lulling the operator into a state of complacency. In PCT, the error is continuously measured to achieve equilibrium. Per Lulham (2005), those involved in developing the theory believe PCT has significant potential to change the way human functioning is understood. However, further research is required for advancement of PCT framework. References Component-based usability testing. (n.d.). Retrieved from Wikipedia: Embrey, D. Understanding Human Behaviour and Error. Human Reliability Associates. Latino, R. J. (2007, Nov). Defining and reducing human error. Briefings Page on Patient Safety . O’Neal, A. (2012, July). Intention-Focused Design: Applying Perceptual Control Theory to Discover User Intent. Retrieved 2013, from PCTweb. (n.d.). What is PCT? Retrieved from PCTweb: Powers, W. T. (n.d.). A brief introduction to Perceptual Control Theory . Retrieved from Frontier: Shelton, C. P. Human Interface/Human Error. Carnegie Mellon University. SKYbrary. (n.d.). Human Error Types. Retrieved from SKYbrary: 1 Lajja Mehta

Saturday, January 18, 2020

The Art of the Renaissance

The Art of The Renaissance by Maria Large Did you know that most likely the most famous painting in the world, the Mona Lisa, was painted in the time of the Renaissance? The oil painting of the straight faced woman (or man), painted by the famous Leonardo De Vinci, is said to be painted between 1503 to 1506. No one knows who the person in the painting is. No one even knows whether or not it is De Vinci himself, a relative or even a man or a woman! The English name â€Å"Mona Lisa†, came from a description by Renaissance Art historian â€Å"Giorgio Vassar†.There were many exquisite paintings done in the time period of the Renaissance. I'm going to briefly tell you what happened in the time of the Renaissance and what styles or cultural aspects influenced these talented artists. Also, how their faith reflected the artwork they made. The Renaissance first occurred in Italy, spreading throughout the countries starting approximately in the sass's and ending around the sass's . It was after the Middle Ages and after the Black Death had swept through many countries and eventually ending up in Europe killing 1. O 4 million people in total. The Renaissance was a new uprising, it displayed many things, such as freedom, independence, creativity, the rebirth of classical learning, the rediscovery of ancient Rome and Greece, and many other things. In the Middle Ages there were only certain religions allowed and certain ways of living. The people thought of the Middle Ages as a dark time but the Renaissance changed all that. They no longer wanted the old ways so they changed many aspects and ways of living in this time period, including there own language.The Renaissance artwork was typically not done for fun or as a hobby. It was usually used to make money or made for religious reasons. Only the paintings done by the masters hand would sell for big money, all others being of little value. Back then, the church was a big part of the income, resulting in many pai ntings that were religious themed. They would sell their artwork to cathedrals and churches for money. Most of the paintings were based off the Life of Christ, the Life of the Virgin, the Life of the Saint or Salvation.The paintings brought new ideas to artwork such as â€Å"a sense of space†, which makes your eye see 3 dimensional and also the use of perspective. A big part of the art of the Renaissance was religious based. The way the artists painted these paintings portrayed faith very well, even to the point of making the humanists think spirituality instead of thinking with human individuality. There were many famous religious paintings done in the time of the Renaissance such as Leonardo De Vine's paintings called, â€Å"The Last Supper† and â€Å"Virgin of the Rocks†.Another famous piece of art, is the painting of the â€Å"Sistine Chapel Ceiling† by Michelangelo. Also among his famous works are his sculptures, â€Å"David†, representing the David in the bible and â€Å"Pieta†, showing Jesus dead body in the arms of his mother Mary. An interesting fact about the paintings is that in the Middle Ages, because of the strong dedication to Catholicism, they were not allowed to study the human body. After the Middle Ages ended, because people had more freedom of religion, people started studying the human body, which resulted in paintings that coked much more realistic.As you have seen, the Renaissance was a very big historical change for the people of that time as well as the people of today. I have only mentioned a few of the many pieces of artwork created during the Renaissance. The artists and their paintings are still remembered to this day. The styles of their artwork have affected how people create there own art today. We can learn from the styles they used, their use of perspective, colors that showed the time period, and even small things added to their ark that changed the whole picture itself.In one sense, the art of the Renaissance could be said to be the true beginning of art and the pathway that was set for the future artwork that is created today. References: Art and Expression- Renaissance Art by Maria Lacy Kitchen Oracle Think Quest- The Renaissance Period by (unknown) Web Gallery of Art- Welcome to the Gallery by Emil Kern and Daniel Marx Renaissance by Thomas J. Choke, Harold E. Damager and Jose Marie Devalue BBC News- Is Ad Vine's Mona Lisa a self-portrait? By Nick Watt and Mama Snappily

Friday, January 10, 2020

Understand The Alcohol Behaviour And Consumption Health Essay

Brunel University is a individual university campus situated in the West of London ; it is a place to about 15,000 pupils with about 4,500 being postgraduate pupils ( Brunel University, 2012 ) . The big pupil population offers a ready market for intoxicant ingestion. The university and the Union of Brunel Students sell big sums of intoxicant to the pupil through its bars, saloons and convenient shops within the campus. Evidence from literature shows that overconsumption and maltreatment of intoxicant leads to ; reckless sexual behavior, minor offenses and although problematic it affects the academic public presentation of the pupils ( Webb, 1997 ; Underwood, 2000 ) . The pupil brotherhood runs an one-year intoxicant run during the â€Å" freshman ‘s hebdomad † as portion of the brotherhood ‘s candidacy activities.The run purposes to better the wellness behavior of pupils sing intoxicant and it educates them on the effects and dangers of overconsumption of intoxican t ( Union of Brunel Students, 2011 ) . Traveling to university is an exciting clip in the lives of the immature, this is the clip they postpone many grownup functions and duties as they develop their normative accomplishments like doing new friends, developing liberty and many others. This new sense of freedom coupled with other factors like equal force per unit area may set them at hazard of intoxicant maltreatment ( Larimer, 2005 ; Mentor UK, 2007 ) . Several surveies done in the last twosome of old ages have shown that many university pupils consume heavy sums of intoxicant and transcending the hebdomadal intoxicant bound set up by the UK Government ( Gill, 2002 ) . Underwood ( 2001 ) noted that undergraduate pupils in UK universities consumed high sums of intoxicant with many of the pupils acknowledging to gorge imbibing.Purposes and AimsWith bulk of the surveies concentrating on the intoxicant ingestion and behavior of undergraduate pupils, there is a spread in literature sing the intoxicant ingestion and behavior of postgraduate pupils. This survey aims to make full this spread in literature by concentrating the research on the graduate student pupils. From the literature there is small grounds demoing that there have been surveies done to mensurate the impact of the university led intoxicant runs on the pupil population particularly within the UK. Most universities run alcohol run but really few measure them to happen out if the run had an impact in altering the pupils behaviour and attitudes towards intoxicant ingestion ( Mentor UK, 2007 ) . The survey aims to understand the intoxicant behavior and ingestion of Brunel University ‘s graduate student pupils and besides happen out whether the Brunel Alcohol Campaign has had an impact on their imbibing behavior. The aims of this survey are: To bring forth informations on intoxicant ingestion of graduate student pupils within Brunel University. To happen out if the graduate student pupils are cognizant of the intoxicant run run by the University. To happen out how effectual the intoxicant run is on the graduate student pupils. Based on the grounds of the survey recommendations will be given to the university on how to better the intoxicant run.Research inquiry and hypothesisThe research inquiry is: What is the impact of the intoxicant run on the intoxicant ingestion of graduate student pupils? The hypothesis inquiry that will be tested is: Null Hypothesis: Is there a difference in intoxicant ingestion between male and female graduate student pupils? Alternate hypothesis: there is a difference in intoxicant ingestion between male and female graduate student pupils. Evidence from literature suggests that there is a little difference in the ingestion of intoxicant between male and female pupils. With some surveies describing that that female pupils consume alcohol more to a great extent than their male opposite numbers ( Dantzer, 2006 ) . The hypothesis was tested utilizing the information analysis plan SPSS. The qi square trial was used to reject or accept the void hypothesisResearch BenefitThis research will profit the university by allowing them know whether the intoxicant run has had an impact on the graduate student pupils and how they will necessitate to better it. It will besides add to the organic structure of literature sing the intoxicant ingestion and behavior of the graduate student pupils.Research StructureThe survey will hold a literature reappraisal chapter, whereby literature that is relevant to alcohol ingestion and the intoxicant campaigns done within universities in the UK will be searched and reviewed. The literature reviewed was both quantitative and qualitative research carried out associating to the research inquiry ( Punch, 2000 ) . The literature was reviewed and critically appraised before the research. All the relevant literature was written in English. Relevant literature was searched in di aries like, the British medical diary ( BMJ ) , the Lancet, Cochrane reappraisal library, Cinahl, Medline and Google bookman. The library was besides searched for books that were relevant to the research subject ( Bell, 2005 ) . Some of the hunt footings to be used while seeking the diaries were: intoxicant run in universities within the UK, intoxicant ingestion among university pupils in the UK. The flow chart below shows the literature reappraisal procedure If non spread out literature hunt to include more surveies Use the inclusion/exclusion standards to choose relevant literature Define hunt scheme to place literature Figure 1.1: literature reappraisal procedure Is the grounds gathered sufficient to reply the inquiry? The selected surveies are reviewed and evaluated utilizing the critical assessment tool ( CASP ) Abstractions reviewed to choose documents of the correct survey and are run intoing the survey standards Literature hunt utilizing bing grounds based guidelines Population-Intervention-control- result Key inquiry The methodological analysis chapter will place the type of research to be carried out and methods used to roll up informations and its analysis will be detailed. It besides identifies the population targeted by the research. The methodological analysis will besides foreground the restrictions of the survey ( Matthews and Ross, 2010 ) . The consequences chapter will analyze the informations collected and the consequences will be presented utilizing tabular arraies and graphs. The treatment chapter will discourse the findings of the analysed informations and nexus to current or old research done in relation to the research subject. The decision and recommendation chapter will give a sum-up of the research carried and give recommendations based on the findings. Determination of design construction Stating of inquiries and hypothesis Figure.2: Diagram demoing the research design Analysis of informations, drawing of decisions and farther recommendations given Transporting out informations aggregation Choosing the statistical trial for proving the hypothesis Planing informations aggregation tool Identifying the population of interestCHAPTER 2Literature Review2.1. BackgroundAlcohol is the most widely used psychotropic drug in many states in the universe ( Moodie and Hulme, 2004 ) . Besides the ingestion of intoxicant in societal assemblages is a common characteristic in many states around the universe where its ingestion is legal ( WHO, 2011 ) . Surveies have shown that there are assorted grounds why people consume intoxicant, these include ; societal force per unit area, escape, assurance supporter and as stress alleviation ( Moodie and Hulme, 2004 ; Talk rehab, 2009 ) . Depending on the measure consumed intoxicant may both positive and negative effects ( Gronbaek, 2009 ) . It has been argued that there are some positive effects for those who consume moderate sum of intoxicant such as increasing palatableness of nutrient and cardio protective consequence on the bosom for those who consume moderate sums of vino. It can besides be said to hold a positive benefit to mental well ness ( Caswell, 1996 ; Gronbaek, 2009 ) . Alcohol may hold inauspicious effects on those who consume it above the recommended safe bounds ( WHO, 2011 ) . Some of the negative effects include ; sickness after a heavy dark of imbibing ( Drinkaware, 2012 ) , for those who consume at extreme degrees it may ensue in liver cirrhosis ( Moodie and Hulme, 2004 ) , depression and can besides take to alcohol poisoning when consumed in inordinate measures ( Drinkaware, 2012 ) . Globally harmful usage of intoxicant consequences in approximately 2,5million deceases per twelvemonth ( WHO, 2011 ) . Globally around nine per cent of those aged between 15 and 20 nine dice each twelvemonth from the overconsumption of intoxicant ( WHO, 2011 ) . Alcohol is besides the 3rd hazard factor of disease load globally it follows insecure sex and childhood underweight ( WHO, 2011 ) . Some of the hazards associated with intoxicant maltreatment are both knowing and non-intentional fatal hurts, route accidents and force ( Moodie and Hulme, 2003 ) . Alcohol is readily available in states where it is legal and has been approved for usage. In the UK intoxicant is sold from licenced premises to those aged 18 and above ( DirectGov, 2012 ) . Although there are reported instances where those minor come into contact with intoxicant either through deceitful agencies while others are given intoxicants by their parents ( Mentor UK, 2007 ) . The early entree to intoxicant has been linked to early orgy imbibing which subsequently becomes frequent in later old ages which may ensue to alcohol related jobs ( Gill, 2002 ; Moodie and Hulme, 2003 ; Mentor UK,2007 ) . In the UKs general population sixty four per cent of work forces and fifty four per cent of adult females have reported to devouring intoxicant at least one time a twenty-four hours ( Department of Health,2012 ) . Adults belonging to the age group of 20 five to forty four were reported as holding more people devouring intoxicant ( Department of Health, 2012 ) . The most preferable alcoholic drink among males was beer with 60 eight per cent whilst, adult females preferred vinos, liquors and fortified vinos ( Department of Health, 2012 ) . Normally Governments do put bounds of how much intoxicant is to be consumed by those who are above the legal intoxicant ingestion age ( International Centre for Alcohol Policies, 2003 ) .. These bounds are set after thorough reappraisal of grounds sing the dangers and effects of intoxicant. Different authoritiess have different guidelines for each of their ain citizens ( International Centre for Alcohol Policies, 2003 ) .The UK Government through the Department of Health has set up imbibing guidelines to steer the ingestion of intoxicant. These guidelines set out that work forces should devour 3-4 units of intoxicant a twenty-four hours or at least 21 units of intoxicant per hebdomad, while adult females should devour 2-3 units of intoxicant per twenty-four hours or at least 14 units of intoxicant per hebdomad ( Department of Health, 2012 ) . Those who consume more than the needed day-to-day or hebdomadal bounds are at higher hazard of enduring from hazards associated with intoxicant abuse and maltreatment ; hazards such as enduring from high blood force per unit area, higher opportunities of developing liver cirrhosis, experiencing depressed, hapless sleeping forms and holding episodes of memory loss when devouring intoxicant ( Department of wellness, 2012 ) . Table 2.1: demoing the UK Government Drinking guidelinesDrinking usher linesWork forceadult femalesDrinking within lower hazard guidelines Should non devour more than 3-4 units of intoxicant per twenty-four hours on a regular footing. Should non devour more than 2-3 units of intoxicant a twenty-four hours on a regular footing Drinking above the lower hazard guidelines, seting your wellness at hazard Devouring more than 3-4 units of intoxicant a twenty-four hours on a regular footing. Devouring more than 2-3 units of intoxicant a twenty-four hours on a regular footing. Drinking in a manner that puts one wellness at a higher hazard Devouring more than 50 units of intoxicant per hebdomad or more than 8 units a twenty-four hours on a regular footing Devouring more than 35 units of intoxicant per hebdomad or more than 6 units per twenty-four hours on a regular footing Overconsumption of intoxicant has been classified into three cardinal footings: intoxicant maltreatment, intoxicant abuse and orgy imbibing. The Centre for Disease Control ( 2012 ) defined alcohol maltreatment as â€Å" a form of imbibing that consequence in injury to one ‘s wellness, interpersonal relationships and the ability to work † . The term intoxicant abuse has a assortment of definitions and categorization, some of which are seen in table 2.1. Binge imbibing is a term which has no clear definition although most research workers define it as devouring high measures of intoxicant within a short period of clip ( IAS, 2010 ) . Clark ( 2011 ) defined orgy imbibing as devouring more than four standard drinks in a row for both work forces and adult females. Alcohol maltreatment is defined as a accustomed header response adopted by certain persons so as to get by with nerve-racking events ( Williams and Clark, 1998 ) . The definitions used by most research workers are p resented on table 2.1below: Table 2.2 Definition of cardinal footingsCardinal TERMDefinitionAlcohol maltreatment When devouring alcohol leads to wellness jobs and it affects 1s work and societal life but it is non associated with physical dependence. ( PubMed,2012 ) Alcohol abuse: classified into three Harmful imbibing Hazardous imbibing Dependent imbibing Exceeding the recommended bounds set up by the Department of Health when devouring intoxicant ( DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, 2012 ) . Binge imbibing ( risky imbibing ) . Devouring a batch of intoxicant in a really short period of clip or devouring intoxicant to acquire intoxicated ( DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH,2012 ) The three intoxicant abuse categorizations are determined by the sums of intoxicant consumed ( Department of Health, 2012 ) . First, harmful ingestion is when a individual consumes alcohol over the recommended day-to-day or hebdomadal intoxicant bounds and experiences wellness related jobs straight from intoxicant. Whereas risky imbibing is the same as orgy imbibing which is the ingestion of a batch of intoxicant within a short period of clip transcending the recommended bounds. Dependent imbibing or alcohol addiction is a chronic disease whose symptoms include strong craving of intoxicant, continued usage of intoxicant despite repeated societal and personal jobs and the inability to restrict oneself to devouring intoxicant therefore suffer from backdown symptoms when they stop devouring intoxicant ( Centre for Disease Control, 2012 ; Department of Health, 2012 ; Drinkaware, 2012 ) . Since intoxicant is a legal trade good and it can be used safely without doing any harmful consequence, this complicates the work for those engaged in forestalling harmful usage of intoxicant. Its equivocal nature and the harmless image portrayed by media further perplexing its control ( Moodie and Hulme, 2004 ) .2.2. Alcohol ingestion in universitiesSurveies show that pupils fall ining universities already have established alcohol devouring wonts ( National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, 2012 ) . When in university the pupils find an environment that fuels their intoxicant ingestion beyond the set intoxicant bounds ( National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, 2012 ) . In the UK bulk of the immature people sampled aged between 16 and 24 consume intoxicant good over the recommended hebdomadal intoxicant bounds ( Newbury-Birch, et Al, 2009 ) . The intoxicant ingestion forms of UK universities are less documented as compared to forms observed in university pupils in North America particularly the United States of America ( Gill, 2002 ) . In a survey conducted by Lorente et Al ( 2003 ) where a sample of university pupils in the United States of America were asked about their intoxicant ingestion and behavior. It was found that eighty per cent of pupils who attend university consume intoxicant and most of the pupils are considered binge drinkers. However grounds from assorted researches suggests that university pupils tend to devour more intoxicant than their equals who do non go to university ( Craigs et al, 2012 ) . Most of the pupils are deemed to be heavy consumers of intoxicant as they tend to devour big measures of intoxicant within a short period of clip or orgy drink ( Bewick et al, 2008 ) . Gill ( 2002 ) observed that the degree of orgy imbibing among undergraduate pupils may transcend the degrees of orgy imbibing within the general population. This is chiefly due to handiness of inexpensive intoxicant and inexpensive bars that surround the university ( Mentor UK, 2007 ) . There are assorted factors impacting the intoxicant ingestion of pupils while in university. They include: the unstructured clip, inconsistent enforcements of minor imbibing Torahs and for the first old ages the first hebdomad of university is a really vulnerable clip for them since the â€Å" freshman ‘s hebdomad † is associated with heavy ingestion of intoxicant and other related activities ( National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism,2012 ) . In finding the grounds why university pupils consume intoxicant, it has been found that most university pupils consume intoxicant because of equal force per unit area, freedom of populating off from place and the handiness of inexpensive bars around the university and campus ( Department of Health, 2012 ) . Some pupils consume intoxicant as a manner of socializing with other pupils, others because intoxicant makes them â€Å" experience good † or heighten their experiences while in university ( Alcohol research UK, 2010 ) . Furthermore some pupils are said to devour intoxicant as a manner of get awaying their jobs or get away imbibing so as to get by with assorted societal emphasiss and emotions ( Wicki et al, 2010 ) .Dantzer et Al ( 2006 ) found that pupils from affluent backgrounds tend to devour more intoxicant than pupil from low economic background due to the handiness of fundss to fund their ingestion of intoxicant. Peer influence or equal norms has been found to be really strong among university pupils therefore act uponing personal behavior particularly sing intoxicant ingestion ( Perkins, 2002 ) . In most instances pupils have misperceived equal norms when detecting their fellow pupils devouring intoxicant and presuming it is the feature of the person. In add-on, the behavior of an person or a group of people under the influence of intoxicant is rather interesting to fellow pupils as they tend to discourse the perceived merriment they had instead than listen to the narratives of their equals who stayed sober during the intoxicant ingestion session ( Berkowitz, 2005 ) . It has been argued by Perkins ( 2003 ) that cultural media plays a important function in the misperception of intoxicant ingestion as films and music pictures tend to glamorize the ingestion of intoxicant and substance maltreatment and doing it look acceptable to the young person. University pupils ‘ intoxicant ingestion is besides affected by positive anticipations ( LaBrie et al, 2011 ) . Normally the anticipations act a go-between taking to pupils devouring intoxicant boulder clay they feel the coveted consequence. The positive anticipations are associated with higher intoxicant ingestion being observed in pupils and intoxicant related jobs ( LaBrie et al, 2011 ) . Clark ( 2011 ) showed that different personality traits have an consequence on how much intoxicant pupils consume. Some of these traits are predicted to take to gorge imbibing. She besides noted that the positive anticipations play a cardinal function on how alcohol university pupils consume. Faulkner et Al ( 2006 ) noted that university pupils populating on campus consumed perilously high sums of intoxicant. This may be attributed to societal installations available within the university and environing countries. However there is small research on ingestion of pupils who stay in off campus adjustments or who stay at place. It has been noted that as the pupils ‘ advancement through university the degree of alcohol ingestion among them reduces. Furthermore, pupils who consumed intoxicant within the recommended hebdomadal bound while in their first twelvemonth of university were likely to go on with the tendency until their concluding twelvemonth ( Bewick et al, 2008 ) . There is, nevertheless, a great difference in the intoxicant ingestion of different modules within the university, with pupils analyzing biological scientific disciplines holding the highest per centum of pupils who consume and abuse intoxicant, while the technology module has the lowest degree of intoxicant ingestion and substance maltreatment ( Webb et al, 1997 ) . The heavy intoxicant ingestion and abuse in universities within the UK is a major public wellness concern because of the negative societal effects and the hereafter effects it will hold on the wellness of those who overindulge ( Faulkner et al, 2006 ) . In the last figure of old ages alcohol ingestion has increased among university pupils, particularly among the female pupil population whose intoxicant ingestion is about at the same degree as their male opposite numbers ( Gill, 2002 ) . In a recent survey the female pupils were reported as holding the highest rate of heavy intoxicant ingestion as compared to the male pupils with most of them acknowledging to transcending the hebdomadal intoxicant bound ( Dantzer et al, 2006 ) . Binge imbibing in universities is now considered a norm as pupils consider this sort of intoxicant ingestion acceptable ( Mentor UK, 2007 ; ) .2.2.1. Effectss of intoxicant maltreatment on university pupilsThere is a turning organic structure of research sing the intoxicant ingestion and university pupils particularly in North America and the effects it has on the university and the pupils ‘ personal and academic lives ( National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, 2012 ) . In the USA about 2000 pupils die each twelvemonth from intoxicant related hurts including traffic accidents caused bibulous drive ( National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, 2012 ) . The heavy imbibing and orgy imbibing do hold some negative effects a pupil ‘s societal and academic life. Most pupils experience negative behavioral effects associated with inordinate ingestion of intoxicant these include ; blackouts, acquiring involved in battles, engagement in illegal activity, drunken drive and engaging in hazardous sexual behavior ( Faulkner et al, 2006 ) . There is small grounds associating intoxicant imbibing with hapless academic public presentation although in some instances pupils do acknowledge their academic work suffers due to the negative effects of intoxicant maltreatment ( Mentor UK, 2007 ) . Students who are non heavy drinkers of intoxicant or those who abstain from imbibing alcohol wholly may endure from the same negative effects, known as secondary effects as those mistreating intoxicant. ( Langley et al, 2003 ) . These secondary effects of intoxicant abuse consist belongings harm, slumber or survey break due to inordinate noise made by bibulous pupils, female pupils experience unwanted sexual progresss and taking attention of a intoxicated pupil ( Higher Education Centre, 2012 ) . These second-hand effects are usually highlighted by the media and this usually affects the sentiments related to alcohol policies ( Langley et al, 2003 ) . The communities neighboring universities besides suffer from the negative effects particularly inordinate noise by the pupils as they head back to the university after a dark of heavy intoxicant ingestion and in some instances damage to private belongings as at times by boisterous pupils ( Faulkner et al, 2006 ) . Although the university pupils tend to mistreat intoxicant, they besides have come up with schemes or protective behaviors to protect themselves from the effects of intoxicant maltreatment ( Cavanaugh, 2010 ) . These schemes involves pull offing the imbibing environment, guaranting one drinks intoxicant with friends, holding a good repast before devouring intoxicant and imbibing in bars. However, female pupils tend to follow the schemes more than their male opposite numbers. Conversely Marten et Al ( 2004 ) argues that there is small grounds to demo whether these schemes help the pupils cut down their intoxicant consumption. Some pupils do comprehend that heavy intoxicant ingestion has some positive effects despite the dangers associated with it. The positive consequence most pupils experience is the assurance to speak to the opposite sex and it enhances the degrees of merriment one has during a imbibing session. These positive anticipations on intoxicant aid lend to more intoxicants maltreatment by the pupils ( Williams, 1998 ) .2.3. University intoxicant runsFor many immature people traveling to the university is an of import portion of life that has personal, societal and academic challenges ( Snow et al, 2003 ) . The universities in general are responsible for advancing wellness and wellbeing among its pupil and staff population, since it is both a topographic point of higher acquisition and a workplace ( Dooris, 2010 ) . In 2010 the WHO endorsed a declaration that would undertake and cut down the injury of harmful intoxicant ingestion. The cardinal countries they focused on were leading, consciousness and committedness to decrease schemes ( WHO, 2011 ) . There is some grounds demoing that community-university partnerships can be effectual in cut downing the effects of intoxicant maltreatment. With the engagement of everyone associated with the university from its decision makers, local jurisprudence enforcement bureaus, occupants and local leaders turn toing and implementing community policies. Some of these schemes include: advertising and enforcing underage imbibing Torahs, increasing monetary values of intoxicant and extinguishing low cost drink particular in bars environing campuses ( National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, 2012 ) . Binge imbibing among university pupils is a major public wellness issue with the UK Government including universities in its intoxicant scheme. The authorities is pressing universities to move on the inordinate intoxicant ingestion and besides to make environments that do non advance intoxicant inordinate intoxicant ingestion ( HM Government, 2012 ) . Alcohol runs have been carried out universities in concurrence with their relevant pupil brotherhoods, small is known about their effectivity ( Mentor UK, 2007 ) .2.3.1. Health publicity attacks of University led intoxicant runMost of the intoxicant run schemes in universities are frequently targeted to alter the pupils ‘ inaccurate perceptual experiences on intoxicant and the ensuing behavior ( Perkins, 2006 ) . Some of the runs are based on the educational attack of wellness publicity whereby the universities do supply information and cognition sing intoxicant maltreatment. The purpose of this attack is to enable pupils to do in formed voluntary pick so as to alter their behavior whenever they decide to devour intoxicant. This has been done through proviso of cusps, ocular shows and one to one advice ( Naidoo and Wills, 2009 ) . An illustration of this type of run was the responsible imbibing run in 2005 tally by the National Union of Students ( NUS ) and Diageo the intoxicant bring forthing company. The run ‘s purpose was to inform the pupils about intoxicant, its safe ingestion and to promote contemplations on their intoxicant ingestion ( Mentor UK, 2007 ) . This attack seems to be popular because it has been shown to be effectual in cut downing hazardous behavior like smoking surcease and weight spectators. The fact that the targeted client can make up one's mind what hazardous behavior they can discourse with the wellness facilitator and it leads to development of accomplishments every bit good as increasing cognition sing the hazardous wellness behaviors. Evaluation of runs utilizing this attack is comparatively easy as it measures addition in cognition and valid questionnaires are used as a method of informations aggregation ( Naidoo and Wills, 2009 ) . However this attack has some restrictions which may impede its consequence on the pupil population. This attack does non admit that other factors play an of import function in voluntary behavioral alteration. The wellness facilitator running the run may non hold the required the ability and cognition of how to cover with giving information to client therefore cut downing its effectivi ty. Finally since the attack is used in a group scene, the group kineticss or behaviors may non promote treatment of the subject like intoxicant maltreatment ( Naidoo and volitions, 2009 ) . Some university led runs are based on the behavioral alteration attack. The purpose of these runs is to do the pupils change their intoxicant behavior by pressing them to abstain from taking intoxicant, follow a healthy life style and work out a batch ( Naidoo and Wills, 2009 ) . The attack uses aggregate media runs to aim single, wellness functionaries besides pass the information to their clients through usage of reding services. What makes this attack popular is that it views wellness as an person ‘s belongings and it allows people to better their wellness by taking to alter their life styles ( Naidoo and volitions, 2009 ) . The figure below shows the theoretical account used to implement this attack. hypertext transfer protocol: // Figure 2.2: Diagram Showing the Health publicity theoretical account by Beattie ( 1991 ) Adopted from Naidoo and volitions ( 2009 ) The job with this attack it assumes that there is additive relationship between 1s behaviors and wellness. It does non take into the consideration why the pupils being targeted abuse intoxicant. This attack is usually associated with victim blaming as it tends to demo that hapless wellness is a effect of bad picks. The rating of this type of intercession takes long and the alteration in behavior can non be attributed to the run but other factors may hold played a function ( Naidoo and Wills, 2009 ) . Recently there are some intoxicant intercession programmes being developed and distributed through the cyberspace. These intercessions target those pupils who have n't sought aid from the traditional manners of support or intervention and besides this scheme may help early self-identification of intoxicant jobs via the cyberspace ( Bewick et al, 2010 ) . This may be effectual since most pupils in universities particularly within the UK have entree to the cyberspace. With the intercession being anon. and the pupils can entree it at the clip of their convenience this intercession may turn out to be popular ( Bewick et al, 2010 ) . More research is still being carried out associating to this intercession. Since a university is both a topographic point of work and an institute of acquisition, it offers a alone scene for bringing of specific undertakings focused on precedence issues like intoxicant runs and other wellness publicity programmes ( Dooris, 2006 ) . It is for this ground in the recent yesteryear there has been a focal point on set uping a whole university attack while advancing wellness and wellbeing within the university ( Dooris, 2012 ) . This holistic attack displacements focus from individual subject wellness publicity plans to a whole system attack where both pupils and staff benefit from these schemes ( Healthy Universities, 2012 ) . With the whole system approach the university can incorporate the intoxicant run and run it aboard other runs that reference wellness and wellbeing such as athleticss, healthy feeding, and pupil experience ( Dooris, 2012 ) . The major benefit of this attack is that it uses grounds based pattern to place the demands of both the staff and pu pils ( Health Universities, 2012 ) . Although the whole university attack benefits the university, measuring its impact is complex, since there are many activities that are being run and coordinated at the same clip. Another challenge is its execution since it involves the full organisation ; policies must be written and adopted by the university ‘s disposal. To to the full implement the attack fundss must be made available to engage the forces required to run the wellness and well-being programmes ( Dooris, 2009 ; Healthy universities, 2012 ) . The deficiency of grounds based research within universities besides hinders its puting up and execution ( Dooris, 2001 ) . With most of the intoxicant runs being expert led they do non take into consideration the factors impacting the wellness related behavior of pupils who consume and abuse intoxicant. Such runs chiefly focus on deficiency of control, solitariness, self-esteem issues and personality type ( Suraj and Singh, 2011 ) . Whereas, the salutogenic construct of wellness tends to concentrate more on the factors act uponing 1s behaviour alternatively of concentrating on the causative agents ( Eriksson and Lindstorm, 2008 ) . The construct is based on the theory by Antonovsky that each individual has the ability determined by a sense of coherency that helps the person to get by with emphasis and has a positive influence on wellness related behavior ( Antonovsky, 1996 ; Binkowska-Bury et Al, 2010 ) . The salutogenic construct can be applied to wellness instruction whereby the wellness of an person is viewed as human right. Health publicity professionals are tasked with supplying options and enabling people make sound pick depending on the assorted determiners of wellness ( Eriksson and Lindstorm, 2008 ) . Furthermore, this construct can be used to better wellbeing of persons since it targets the beginning of the job that leads to hapless wellness while taking into consideration the environment and chances that are available to the persons ( Eriksson and Lindstorm, 2008 ) . The sense of coherency theory was chiefly studied in grownups. Recently there are surveies concentrating on immature people and kids. Some of the surveies show that university female pupils do hold a higher sense of coherency than their male opposite numbers. This is because the female pupils care more about their wellness related behaviors than the male opposite numbers ( Suraj and Singh, 2011 ) . Research is still being carried out to happen out what truly influences the healthy behavior of university pupils and what effects the sense of coherency has on them ( Binkowska-Bury et Al, 2010 ) .2.3.2 Social norm intercessionsSince the pupils behaviors and life styles are affected by assorted factors and beliefs for illustration deficiency of information, economic backgrounds and spiritual beliefs. A different attack was needed in order to undertake the rise in intoxicant maltreatment among university pupils. The new attack was to tackle pupils ‘ misperceptions and beliefs about i ntoxicant by aiming a big population in order to alter an person ‘s behavior and therefore heightening protective behaviors ( Perkins, 2003 ) . The bar attack can be applied in three ways universal, selective or indicated. Universal bar attack targets the full university pupil population without acquiring to cognize who is at hazard. Selective bar attack is targeted at those pupils who have been identified to be at hazard of intoxicant maltreatment and its effects. The indicated bar attack is targeted at persons who have been identified as enduring from intoxicant related jobs ( Moreira et al, 2009 ) . The societal norm attack besides seeks to build up the pupils with the accomplishments and accurate information to do informed determination whenever they consume intoxicant ; hence the acceptance of the societal norm theory in university led intoxicant runs ( Naidoo and Wills, 2009 ; John, 2010 ) . Berkowitz ( 2005 ) noted that the societal norm attack aims to turn to the undermentioned misperceptions: Pluralistic ignorance encourages persons to conform to behaviours considered normal for illustration pupils who consume moderate sums of intoxicant assume that other pupils consume more than they do. Hence they do devour more intoxicants based on this premise. False consensus most pupils tend to overrate the intoxicant ingestion of their equals and co-workers to warrant their ain heavy intoxicant ingestion. False singularity when persons assume there is a great difference between them and the others. Those pupils who are heavy intoxicant drinkers tend to believe their ain misperceived behaviors make them alone from those who are moderate intoxicant drinkers or those who abstain The societal norm intercession is going really popular particularly in US universities and colleges where extended research has been done ( Moreira et al, 2009 ) . The positive attack and the absence of a contentious tone in societal norms intercession entreaties to the pupils population and there is less opposition to this attack unlike the top down attack of policies implemented by the university disposal ( Wechsler et al, 2003 ) . Even though the theory is deriving popularity, there are some concerns sing the attack. Some of these concerns arise from its execution particularly the unequal message exposure and some runs do non adhere to the theoretical account. Another major concern is the deficiency of equal rating of the runs and whether the attack should be targeted at homogeneous groups instead than big communities. Besides the deficiency of acquaintance with the theory and related research poses a challenge to those who advocate for it ( Berkowitz, 2004 ) . The most common att acks used in societal norms intercessions are: Social selling attacks Personalised normative feedback intercessions. Social selling attacksThis attack relies on the usage of mass media to aim big populations like usage of postings, picture and wireless advertizements informing the pupils about the existent behavior of their co-workers and this aid to alter their single misperceptions on intoxicant ( John, 2010 ; Wechsler et Al, 2003 ) . This attack aims to bring on a behavioral alteration associating to the persons alcohol ingestion ( Mentor UK, 2007 ) . The non-confrontational tone in these run reassures both pupils and university decision makers therefore brushs less opposition as compared to policies and actions designed to cut down intoxicant ingestion ( Wechsler et al, 2003 ) . The runs utilizing this attack usually downplay degree of imbibing on campus and do non concentrate a batch on the negative effects of heavy intoxicant ingestion. The intoxicant industry has besides adopted this attack ( Wechsler, 2003 ) . The disadvantages with this attack are that it is expensive, it feels impersonal and measuring its result is really hard ( John, 2010 ) . There is small grounds in research to demo that this scheme really consequences in decrease in intoxicant ingestion ( Berkowitz, 2004 ; Wechsler et Al, 2003 ) . Personalised normative feedback intercessionsThis intercession involves the proviso of the existent pupil intoxicant ingestion norms, single misperceptions and personal intoxicant ingestion forms. The information is delivered via electronic mail, web-based or pen paper. Normally this attack is delivered to a mark population for illustration pupils who have been identified as heavy intoxicant consumers ; it can besides be targeted to the full university population ( John, 2010 ) . Bewick et Al ( 2008 ) showed that the normative feedback intercessions had an consequence on cut downing per juncture intoxicant ingestion among UK university pupils. However, there is grounds from literature demoing that retroflexing the intercession from one establishment to another 1 does non hold the same consequences ( Bewick et al, 2010 ) . There is small information on the misperception of societal norms of university pupils within the UK ( Mentor UK, 2007 ) .2.4. Purposes and decisionUniversity life is a transitional period for most pupils as it offers the opportunity to get healthy life styles wonts and other accomplishments required in the hereafter ( Stewart-Brown et Al, 2000 ) . Most university surveies done particularly sing alcohol behavior is most frequently targeted at the undergraduate pupils. While the graduate student intoxicant ingestion and behavior are seldom studied, showing a spread that needs to be researched on ( Jamison et al, 2008 ) . The measurement of pupils life styles and other related wellness behavior is rather hard as the pupils are ever on the move, most have impermanent references and they have many distractions ( Stewart- Brown et Al, 2000 ) . Never the less a batch of research demands to be done in universities within the UK to happen out the intoxicant behavior and if the intoxicant runs initiated by the universities are effectual. The purpose of this undertaking is to happen out the intoxicant ingestion and behavior of postgraduate pupils go toing Brunel University. The other purpose is to happen out if they have heard about the intoxicant run carried out by the university and if the run has had an consequence on their intoxicant ingestion.Chapter 3Research MethodologyThe purpose of this survey is twofold ; foremost it is to look into to look into whether the graduate student pupils at Brunel University pupils are cognizant of the intoxicant run run by the university and whether they find the run utile. Furthermore, the survey aims to happen out the intoxicant ingestion of postgraduate pupils at the university. Based on the research inquiry outlined below this survey will take on a quantitative research attack. Since the survey is traveling to look at sentiments and ingestion of intoxicant quantitative methods were used to roll up the needed informations ( Aveyard, 2010: Saint matthews and Ross, 2010 ) . The research inquiry is: What is the impact of the intoxicant run on the intoxicant ingestion of graduate student pupils? Quantitative research is used when there is preexistent cognition, which allows for the usage of standardised informations aggregation methods like studies.Surveys are usually used to document prevalence of a specific issue within a population of involvement, they are besides really of import as they can be designed to mensurate certain phenomena like attitudes and behavior in a population ( Bowling, 2009 ) . Surveies are usually guided by two aims. First is to gauge the parametric quantities like attitudes in a population of involvement by utilizing statistics calculated from informations collected. Second is to prove a statistical hypothesis of a population ( Bowling, 2009 ) . This survey employed the usage of a study and specifically a cross-sectional or descriptive study since the information was to be collected at one point in clip mensurating the intoxicant ingestion and consciousness of the intoxicant run run by the university at the micro degree of postgraduate pupils. The cross sectional surveies usually provide a snapshot of the properties of a given population ( Aveyard, 2010 ) Cross-sectional studies involve oppugning the participants or respondents on past and current behavior, attitudes and events. They employ the usage of standardised informations aggregation methods which are economical in footings of clip and resources. The cross-sectional studies can besides aim big populations which can be surveyed rapidly besides the standardized information I collected can be easy coded therefore doing it easy to analyze ( Bowling, 2009 ) .3.1. Data aggregation toolIn a transverse sectional or descriptive study one of the tools used to roll up informations is the questionnaire. Although this is the most common it is non the lone means of informations aggregation ( Matthews and Ross, 2010 ) . There are two type of questionnaires structured and semi-structured. Structured questionnaires use fixed standardized inquiries with pre-coded responses which respondents can take from ( Punch, 2003 ) whilst, semi- structured questionnaires contain both fixed inquiries and unf astened inquiries leting respondents to reply inquiries in their ain manner ( Matthews and Ross, 2010 ) . The major advantage of utilizing structured questionnaires is the ability to obtain unambiguous and easy collectable informations since the inquiries are standardised and pre coded, leting for greater easiness in informations analysis and presentation of informations ( Bowling, 2009 ) . A major defect with the structured questionnaires is that they rely on the general cognition of the population of involvement particularly in relation to informations collected sing attitudes, behaviors and societal procedures. Furthermore, the pre-coded replies may non to the full represent the positions of the respondent and at times they are forced to reply the inquiries unsuitably ( Bowling, 2009 ) . Questionnaires are completed either through self -administration or face-to-face interviews. Self-administered questionnaires may be distributed through web-based methods or through the usage of postal services. Since these distribution methods can cover a big geographical location rapidly and can be more economical as compared to interviews. Self-administered questionnaires tend to understate societal desirableness and interviewer prejudice hence it is most preferable during a transverse sectional study. They are besides the most utile when roll uping sensitive informations since can be answered anonymously ( Matthews and Ross, 2010 ) . The questionnaire in this survey was designed utilizing the online package â€Å" Survey Monkey † . The package allows for both online and hardcopy versions to be designed at the same clip ( Survey Monkey, 2012 ) . The questionnaire had both closed and unfastened ended inquiries so as to roll up positions of the participants. The questionnaire was distributed during the month of August one time ethical blessing was given. It was distributed online and as a pen and paper questionnaire. The on-line study nexus was posted on Brunel University functionary pages and the hardcopy was distributed in the library and along the multitude within the campus. The questionnaire was to be completed anonymously by the pupils ; this was to heighten the response rate. The pupils were free to worsen to reply the questionnaire. For those who did they were handed a participant information sheet which gave them the name and ground of the survey.3.2. Sampling and ParticipantsIn order to make a study a population of involvement demands to place and a sample drawn from it ( Bowling, 2009 ) .The sample selected should be a representation of the population of involvement based on the gender, age and socio-economic group ( Matthews and Ross, 2010 ) . In this survey simple random sampling was used to ask for participants to reply the questionnaire as this was a suited manner to acquire the most representative sample. For case most surveies done in the UK usage purposive sampling to roll up their informations, this possible when the university is in session and most pupils are go toing categories ( Webb, 1997, Bewick, 2008 ) . Since the undertaking was being carried during the summer holidays random sampling was the preferable method. The targeted population of involvement were the postgraduate pupils go toing Brunel University with both male and female graduate student pupils were included in the study. Undergraduate pupils, staff and visitants were excluded from this survey. This is because the survey was non aiming their intoxicant ingestion and behavior. Besides excluded were sing pupils. The participants were invited at random to take part in the study through an invitation station in Brunel University pages on Facebook and some of them were approached in the library and given the difficult transcript questionnaire to finish. The survey aims to ask for a sum of 200 postgraduate pupils to take part in the study. However a sampling mistake shall be considered during the analysis. Since the sample size is little, the consequences can non be extrapolated to the full graduate student pupil population in analyzing in Brunel University.3.3. Pilot StudyDue to clip restraints a pilot survey was non conducted before the oncoming of the undertaking.3.4. Datas AnalysisThe structured information from the questionnaire was collected, sorted, cleaned and coded in readying for analysis. Descriptive statistics was used to analyze the information and explicate the consequences of informations collected ( Black, 1999 ) . The information collected was categorical hence the Chi- square trial was used to compare the agencies of the variables to demo if there is a important difference between intoxicant ingestion between male and female pupils ( Kerr, 2002 ) . The statistical plan SPSS for Windows version18.02 was used to analy ze the information. The mean units of intoxicant consumed per hebdomad were calculated utilizing the expression provided by the Department of Health ( Department of Health, 2012 ) . The units of intoxicant are measured utilizing the intoxicant by volume ( ABV ) which is a standard step of a drinks alcoholic content. The intoxicant by volume is a step of the pure intoxicant content by per centum of the entire volume of liquid in a drink. The intoxicant by volume is usually written on the labels of tins, beer/wine/spirit bottles ( Department of Health, 2012 ) . Different alcoholic drinks have different intoxicant contents The expression is: Strength of alcoholic drink ( ABV ) Volume in milliliters ( milliliter ) 1,000 = units Example: a pint of beer which step about 568 milliliter has an intoxicant content of 5.2 % therefore to cipher its units: 5.2 % 568 ( milliliter ) 1,000=2.95 units Table 2.1 Table demoing units of intoxicant in an alcoholic drink Alcoholic drink Volume ( milliliter ) Alcohol content ( % ) Unit of measurements vino 175 12 % 2.1 Beer/cider 568 5.2 % 3 liquors 25 ( I shot ) 40 % 13.5. Restrictions of the surveyThe deficiency of making a pilot survey had an consequence on the consequences of the survey. The survey focused chiefly on the ingestion of intoxicant by the graduate student pupils and did non look into the effects intoxicant maltreatment had on their societal and academic lives. Another restriction is that the research did non compare the ingestion between postgraduate pupils who stay on and off campus and besides between the undergraduate pupils. The survey did non measure the consequence of the intoxicant run. The survey was limited to a individual campus university therefore making a convenient sample that may hold non been really diverse and may hold affected the information collected. The closed inquiries in the questionnaire merely let the participants answer inquiries in a certain manner. Measuring honestness is rather a challenge in surveies utilizing questionnaires. Since this survey is looking into the intoxicant ingestion of the pupils, there is a opportunity that most replies sing intoxicant ingestion will be under quoted therefore impacting the analysis of the informations collected. The survey did non hold focal point groups which would hold shed more visible radiation on the grounds pupil consume intoxicant and their hebdomadal intoxicant ingestion.3.6. Ethical ConsiderationsEthical motives was applied for and approved in 27 July 2012 by the moralss board of The School of Health and Social scientific disciplines, Brunel University. The information collected was protected harmonizing the UK Data act.Chapter 4Consequences and Data AnalysisThe questionnaire respondents totalled 110 all of whom were postgraduate pupils analyzing at Brunel University. Three respondents did non finish the questionnaire and this was entered as losing informations during analysis. Therefore analysis was carried out on 107 completed questionnaires which represent 50 three per cent of those who answered the questionnaire.4.1. Descriptive statisticsTable 4.1 shows the entire figure of postgraduate female pupils who took portion was 40 six stand foring 40 three per cent of the entire respo ndents with a standard divergence of 0.532 and a mean of 1.37. The entire figure of male respondents was 60 seven stand foring 50 seven per cent of the entire figure of respondent with a standard divergence of 0.615 and a average age of 1.70. Table 4. ; Table screening, no of participants, mean and standard divergence Gender Mean Nitrogen Std. Deviation Female 1.37 46 .532 Male 1.70 61 .615 Entire 1.56 107 .602 The age bracket of 20 to twenty four had the most respondents with a sum of 50 three. The female pupils who fell in this age bracket totalled 30 and the male pupils were 20 three. The age bracket of 20 five to thirty had a sum of 40 eight respondents, 30 three being male and 15 being female. The age bracket of 30 one to forty had the least respondents with a sum of six with one being the entire figure of female pupils and five being male. This is shown in the tabular array below. Table 4.2 Table demoing the distribution of ages Age scope Gender Entire Female Male 20-24 30 23 53 25-30 15 33 48 31-40 1 5 6 Entire 46 61 1074.2. Alcohol ingestionThe respondents who consume intoxicant totalled 90 one. Forty one were female and 50 were male. Those who do non devour intoxicant totalled 16 with 5 being female and 11 being male. Table 4.3: Table demoing the postgraduate pupils who consume intoxicant Those who consume intoxicant Gender Entire losing Female Male 3 0 0 3 Yes 0 41 50 91 No 0 5 11 16 Entire 3 46 61 110 Table 4.4 table demoing chi square trial on intoxicant ingestion between gendersChi-Square TrialsValue df Asymp. Sig. ( 2-sided ) Pearson Chi-Square 111.088a 4 .000 Likelihood Ratio 28.616 4 .000 N of Valid Cases 110 Table 4.5 Table demoing ingestion of intoxicant between the different age groups Devouring intoxicant Age scope Entire 20-24 25-30 31-40 Yes 48 41 2 91 No 5 7 4 16 Entire 53 48 6 107 Table 4.5 above shows the 20 to twenty four age scopes had the highest figure of respondents who consumed intoxicant while the age scope of 30 one to forty had the least respondents who consumed intoxicant. Although there is a little difference in intoxicant ingestion between the age groups of 20 to twenty four and 25 -304.2.1. Favourite Alcoholic imbibeThe favorite alcoholic drink for male pupils was beer and spirits both holding a sum of 30 one male pupils devouring them. Beer was the least favorite alcoholic drink for female pupils. Wine was popular among female pupils. Cider and liquors were tied 2nd topographic point as the favorite alcoholic drink for female pupils. Male least favorite alcoholic drink was cyder, Table 4.6: table demoing favorite alcoholic ingestion between genders Gender Cider Beer Wine Liquors Female 13 11 24 14 Male 3 31 9 314.3. Weekly Alcohol ConsumptionMost of the respondents consume intoxicant one time a hebdomad. There were two male respondents who consume alcohol every twenty-four hours of the hebdomad. More male than female pupils consumed intoxicant twice a hebdomad. The p-value 0.126 shows there is small difference in intoxicant ingestion per hebdomad between male and female pupils. Table 4.7: Table demoing intoxicant consumed figure of yearss in a hebdomad Alcohol consumed figure of yearss in a hebdomad Gender Entire Female Male 1 19 15 34 2 4 13 17 3 6 9 15 4 5 3 8 5 4 2 6 7 0 2 2 Entire 38 44 82 Table 4.8 Table demoing chi square trials of intoxicant consumed per hebdomad between genders.Chi-Square TrialsValue df Asymp. Sig. ( 2-sided ) Pearson Chi-Square 8.609a 5 .126 Likelihood Ratio 9.611 5 .087 N of Valid Cases 824.3.1. Pints and Unit of measurements of Alcohol consumed per hebdomadFemale pupils on norm consumed an norm of 3.07 pints of beer/cider a hebdomad while the male pupils consumed 4.95 pints per hebdomad. Female pupils drunk an norm of 2.88 spectacless of vino per hebdomad while the male pupils drunk an norm of 1.39 spectacless per hebdomad. . Male pupils consume an norm of 5.42 shootings of liquors per hebdomad. Table 4.9: Table demoing the average intoxicant ingestion per hebdomad Gender Beer/cider ( no. pints per hebdomad ) Wine ( no. of spectacless per hebdomad ) Liquors ( no. of shootings per hebdomad ) Female Mean 3.07 2.88 1.65 Nitrogen 28 32 20 Std. Deviation 2.478 3.024 2.084 Male Mean 4.95 1.39 5.42 Nitrogen 37 18 36 Std. Deviation 2.962 1.501 9.938 Entire Mean 4.14 2.34 4.07 Nitrogen 65 50 56 Std. Deviation 2.899 2.662 8.226 All the age groups on mean consume around four pints of beer per hebdomad. Those elderly 20 to twenty four consume 2.63 spectacless of vino per hebdomad. Those elderly twenty five to thirty consume 4.50 shootings of liquors per hebdomad. Those aged thirty one to forty devour the least sum of vino and liquors. Table 4.10 below shows that the mean ingestion of beer per hebdomad was four pints between all the ages, while vino was the least consumed alcoholic drink in a hebdomadal footing Table 4.10: Table demoing intoxicant consumed per hebdomad between age brackets Age scope Beer/cider ( no. pints per hebdomad ) Wine ( no. of spectacless per hebdomad ) Liquors ( no. of shootings per hebdomad ) 20-24 Mean 4.03 2.63 3.83 Nitrogen 36 30 29 Std. Deviation 2.751 2.953 5.471 25-30 Mean 4.30 1.95 4.50 Nitrogen 27 19 26 Std. Deviation 3.184 2.198 10.697 31-40 Mean 4.00 1.00 .00 Nitrogen 2 1 1 Std. Deviation 2.828..Entire Mean 4.14 2.34 4.07 Nitrogen 65 50 56 Std. Deviation 2.899 2.662 8.226The intoxicant units consumed per hebdomad were calculated utilizing the expression provided by the Department of Health the consequences are shown in the graphs below.Figure 4.1: Graph demoing alcohol units consumed per hebdomad between the genders Figure 1 above show male pupils consume more alcohol units per hebdomad when they consume beer/cider with an norm of 14.6 units per hebdomad. They besides consume more alcohol units per hebdomad when devouring liquors. Female pupils consume more wine. Figure 2 below shows that those aged twenty five to thirty devour more alcohol units per hebdomad when devouring both beer/cider and liquors. Figure 4.2: Graph demoing alcohol units consumed per hebdomad among the age groups4.4. Students cognizant of the intoxicant runA sum of 19 which represents 19 per cent of the postgraduate pupils who responded to the study admitted to hold heard about the intoxicant run being run by the pupil brotherhood. Twelve were female and seven were male. Eighty per cent or 80 pupils of those who took the study were non cognizant of the run run by the pupil brotherhood. Table 4.11: Table demoing consciousness of the pupils towards the intoxicant run. Have you heard about the Alcohol Awareness Campaign run by the pupil brotherhood? Gender Entire Female Male 3 5 11 Yes 12 7 19 No 31 49 80 Entire 46 61 110 Table 4.12: table demoing chi square trial of the consciousness of the pupils sing the intoxicant runChi-Square TrialsValue df Asymp. Sig. ( 2-sided ) Pearson Chi-Square 3.838a 2 .147 Likelihood Ratio 3.812 2 .149 N of Valid Cases 107 a. 2 cells ( 33.3 % ) have expected count less than 5. The lower limit expected count is 3.44. Those cognizant of the run said that they heard about the run during the pupil orientation hebdomad, through the Brunel University Student brotherhood web site, posting posted around the university and through the medical Centre.4.4.1 Rating the runForty one pupils rated the run as being good while an equal figure rated it as being hapless. Twelve pupils did non rate the runRating of the intoxicant runevaluation the run Gender Entire Female Male Excellent 1 2 3 Very Good 1 1 2 Good 16 25 41 Poor 21 20 41 Very Poor 4 7 11 Entire 43 55 98 Table 4.13: Table demoing how pupils rated the run4.4.2. Increased Knowledge on effects of overconsumption of intoxicantForty five pupils who took the study said they do n't cognize if the run increased their cognition on the effects of over ingestion of intoxicant. While 40 one pupils said the intoxicant run did non increase their cognition on the effects of overconsumption of intoxicant. Merely 13 pupils said the intoxicant run increased their cognition on the effects of overconsumption of intoxicant. Eleven pupils did non reply the inquiry. Table 4.14: Table screening increased cognition of effects of overconsumption of intoxicant increased cognition of the effects of over ingestion of intoxicant Gender Entire Female Male Missing informations 3 3 5 11 Yes 0 5 8 13 No 0 18 23 41 Do n't Know 0 20 25 45 Entire 3 46 61 1104.4.3 Effectss of the run on intoxicant ingestionMerely two pupils said the intoxicant run made them cut down their intoxicant ingestion. Forty eight pupils said the run did non hold an consequence on their intoxicant ingestion, while 40 five pupils said they do n't cognize whether intoxicant run helped them cut down their intoxicant ingestion or non. Ten respondents did non reply the inquiry. Table 4.15: Table demoing the effects of the intoxicant run on intoxicant ingestion Did the run consequence in decrease of intoxicant ingestion Gender Entire Female Male 2 3 5 10 Yes 0 0 2 2 No 1 21 26 48 Possibly 0 3 2 5 Do n't Know 0 19 26 45 Entire 3 46 61 110 Table 4.16: Table demoing chi square trial on the effects of the intoxicant run.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Social Injustice Against Hispanics and Latinos - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 7 Words: 2195 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2019/04/05 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Social Justice Essay Did you like this example? There are roughly 58 million Latinos/Hispanics currently residing in the United States (Flores, 2017). Making up 17 percent of the population, Latino/Hispanic Americans are the second-largest ethnic group in the United States, after non-Hispanic whites (Sue et al., 2016). This makes them the majority minority, as their population is over 4 percent larger than African Americans (Sue et al., 2016). Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Social Injustice Against Hispanics and Latinos" essay for you Create order With a 2 percent average annual growth rate, they are also the second-fastest growing population, trailing Asian Americans who have a 3 percent growth rate (Flores, 2017). This growth is a result of both immigration and birth rates. The percentage of Latinos/Hispanics who are immigrants has decreased in recent years, but immigrants still make up 34 percent of the total population while the other 66 percent were born on American soil (Flores, 2017). Hispanic/Latino is an umbrella term that is inclusive of several different nationalities. The fourteen largest subgroups in order from largest to smallest are Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Salvadorians, Cubans, Dominicans, Guatemalans, Colombians, Hondurans, Spaniards, Ecuadorians, Peruvians, Nicaraguans, Venezuelans, and Argentineans. Mexicans are by far the largest subgroup, accounting for 64 percent of the total Latino/Hispanic population (Sue et al., 2016). Undocumented Mexican immigrants make up 59 percent of the total undocumented population (Sue et al., 2016). Because these undocumented immigrants have no legal status, they are often forced to take labor-intensive jobs. For example, 68 percent of all farmworkers in the United States are from Mexico (Sue et al., 2016). Latinos/Hispanics also have the lowest levels of educational attainment of any racial or ethnic group in the United States. They have the highest high school drop-out rate, at 10 percent, compared to 7 percent for Blacks, 5 percent for Whites, and 3 percent for Asians (Gramlich, 2017). It is important to note, however, that this is a record low, down from 34 percent in 1998 (Gramlich, 2017). This is particularly significant because the number of Latino/Hispanic students enrolled in public and private schools has increased by 80 percent between 1999 and 2016. Interestingly, it has fallen 14 percent among White students (Gramlich, 2017). The number of Latino/Hispanic high school graduates enrolled in college between the ages of 18 and 24 has also jumped by 15 percent since 1999 (Gramlich, 2017). Despite these recent trends, Latinos/Hispanics are still more likely to hold blue-collar, semi-skilled, or unskilled occupations. Further, they have high rates of unemployment. Considering these statistics, it is unsurprising that the median income for Latino/Hispanic households in 2010 was $37,759, compared to $53,642, which was the median income for White households (Sue et al., 2016). The average age among Latinos/Hispanics is twenty-seven, compared to the national average of thirty-seven. This makes them the youngest ethnic or racial group in the United States. The seven leading causes of death for this group are cancer, heart disease, unintentional injuries, stroke, diabetes, chronic liver disease, and cirrhosis (Sue et al., 2016). Latinos/Hispanics are also at higher risk for a number of health issues, including asthma, HIV/AIDS, obesity, teen pregnancy, and infant mortality (book). Mental health has also been discovered to be a struggle for the Latino/Hispanic population. Female Latino/Hispanic teenagers are 70 percent more likely to attempt to commit suicide than their White peers, and Latino/Hispanic men are five times more likely to commit suicide than Latino/Hispanic women (Sue et al., 2016). Unfortunately, despite all of this, Latino/Hispanics are widely uninsured and underinsured (Sue et al., 2016). Historical Overview Many people have this popular vision of Latinos as people who arrived day before yesterday, but when you think about the first European settlement in what would become the United States, it was St. Augustine in 1565. That predates Jamestown in 1607. The first European language spoken, in what would become the United States, is Spanish (Gartland, 2015). Vicki Ruiz (Historian) The full history of Latinos/Hispanics in the United States is extensive and complicated, and it falls outside of the scope of this paper. To briefly summarize, Mexico was formerly controlled by Spain, who sent Mexican citizens on mission settlements along the coast of California to occupy the land. In 1821, Mexico won its independence from Spain (Gartland, 2015). Then, just fifteen years later in 1846, the new United States began expanding westward, and they seized control of California, starting a war with freshly independent Mexico (Gartland, 2015). The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was signed in 1848, officially ending the Mexican-American war after which the United States granted all Latinos/Hispanics living in California American citizenship and voting rights (Gartland, 2015). This effectively marked the beginning of Latino/Hispanic oppression in the United States as they had just been conquered and would not be treated equally. Latinos and Hispanics in America today experience oppression in many forms, and on every social level. Tension runs deep because of the anti-immigration climate. Stereotypes have strongly encouraged the negative feelings non-Hispanic Whites feel towards Latinos/Hispanics. A few examples of stereotypes spread today are that Latinos/Hispanics (specifically Mexicans) are uneducated, untrustworthy, lazy. A seemingly contradictory stereotype to lazy is that they come into the country illegally to steal American jobs. They are also believed to be rapists and murderers. These stereotypes were founded with racist, cultural imperialist ideology and they have actively worked to oppress this population. Social workers must work to become culturally competent, so they can easily identify the strengths and resiliency of individuals to help them overcome oppression. Social Work Practice Familismo Arguably the central characteristic of Latino/Hispanic culture is the value and importance of familismo. Familismo is an ideology that puts a priority on the family. The definition of family for Latinos/Hispanics includes immediate family, extended family, and close friends. Because of the centrality of strong social and familial relationships, Latinos/Hispanics may wait to seek outside help until resources from extended family and close friends have been exhausted (Sue et al., 2016). Religion also plays a vital role in Hispanic/Latino culture; roughly 80 percent of the population is Christian, with about 50 percent Catholic (Ayon, Ojeda, Ruano, 2018). For social work practice, this means that before seeking professional help, Latinos/Hispanics may first visit a priest and another religious leader. To conduct culturally competent social work practice with Latinos/Hispanics, social workers must recognize the value of family and religion. In American culture, the emphasis is placed on the individual, which is different compared to the emphasis on family in Latino/Hispanic culture. To accommodate this cultural difference, social workers should involve the entire family in assessment and even intervention (Villatoro et al., 2014). Familismo is a key strength in Latino/Hispanic culture. Therefore, by utilizing the family in practice, the strengths perspective is employed, and progress can be made. Cultural Socialization A significant percentage, 34 percent, of Latinos/Hispanics in the United States are immigrants (Sue et al., 2016). Being an immigrant comes with its own set of challenges, especially considering the anti-immigration political climate. Many White, non-Hispanic Americans are concerned with the coloring of the country and are in favor of a ban on immigration. More than half of Mexican children have at least one immigrant parent, and there are roughly 9 million mixed-status families, in which one parent is undocumented, and one is natural-born (Ayon, Ojeda, Ruano, 2018). For undocumented immigrants, the threat of detainment and deportation disrupts the stability of the family, adding stress and therefore putting the health of the individuals in the household at risk. Further, the state of being undocumented severely limits access to resources. These hardships may be considered a form of oppression, as they are secondary consequences some Latino/Hispanic families face because of their im migration or documentation statues. Cultural socialization is a difficult task for parents as they struggle to negotiate aspects of their host culture and integrate aspects of the dominant culture. Parents want their children to understand that they have a story that did not start here in the United States (Ayon, Ojeda, Ruano, 2018). To teach their children about their heritage, Latino/Hispanic parents tell stories, make traditional food dishes, travel to their origin countries, speak Spanish in the home, and attend traditional events and celebrations with their children. Often, parents use photos and the internet as tools to facilitate learning. When children were faced with discrimination, story-telling served as a mechanism whereby parents built counter-narratives that challenged anti-immigration discourse (Ayon, Ojeda, Ruano, 2018). This is noteworthy because it highlights the parents ability to use an otherwise negative situation as a learning experience for their children. Social workers can also adopt practice s to help the process of cultural socialization further. They can evaluate how important maintaining and preserving the host culture is to the particular family member and allow them to discuss feelings and thoughts about acclimating to American culture. They can also provide support and empowerment to parents, who are also trying to strike a balance between both cultures. Lastly, they can promote parent-child bonding by incorporating the same tools parents use, such as the internet, into practice. Latina Mothers A subgroup within the Latino/Hispanic group that may experience a rather excessive amount of oppression are mothers, specifically who are undocumented immigrants. A study that analyzed the interviews of 32 undocumented Mexican mothers discovered that they faced every form of oppression on Youngs Model, which are exploitation, violence, marginalization, cultural imperialism, and powerlessness (Ayon, Gurrola, Messing, Valencia-Garcia, 2018). Employers exploited their labor by hanging their undocumented status over their heads. On top of being forced to work under poor conditions, more was expected from these women than from their documented coworkers. Further, they were paid lower wages, forced to work unpaid overtime, and given no vacation days (Ayon, Gurrola, Messing, Valencia-Garcia, 2018). These Latino/Hispanic mothers also experienced several types of violence. Psychological abuse was a repeated theme as these mothers explained how employers took advantage of their legal status and consistently threatened to fire them or have them deported if expectations were not met (Ayon, Gurrola, Messing, Valencia-Garcia, 2018). Marginalization also had a significant impact on the well-being of the mothers. As the law is written, undocumented immigrants have minimal rights, which means limited access to social services. The women experienced marginalization in normal society on a daily basis as well. Several of the women reported being turned away from stores or not being allowed to purchase or return items (Ayon, Gurrola, Messing, Valencia-Garcia, 2018). Cultural imperialism in America is the idea that American culture is the best way, the only way, and the right way. This ideology is fairly widespread across the country, which makes it unsurprising that Latino/Hispanic mothers have been belittled for speaking Spanish, told they should speak English, and judged for the number of children they have (Ayon, Gurrola, Messing, Valencia-Garcia, 2018). In every case, the mothers felt powerless primarily because of documentation status and the unsteadiness of the situation. These reports showed the resiliency of Latino/Hispanic women. The value of family was apparent based on the levels of oppression and injustice these women endured for their children. The core mission of social work is to enhance the well-being of people who are oppressed and promote social justice. In this case, social workers are tasked with finding a way to get these women access to mental health resources. This is important because they sustain loads of stress that can negatively impact their health and the health of their families. Social workers should also advocate for policy change and inform mothers of their rights. Promoting more interaction between the Latino/Hispanic groups and the dominant group would also serve to challenge stereotypes and combat discrimination (Ayon, Gurrola, Messing, Valencia-Garcia, 2018). Language When it comes to culture, language is one of the most important aspects. Part of preserving the culture is preserving Spanish. Since the Mexican-American war, however, there has been a goal to eradicate Spanish in th e United States (Cobas Feagin, 2008). Language, therefore, provides yet another avenue for oppression. Non-Hispanic White Americans have used five strategies to oppress language among Hispanics. The most common strategy is simple silencing; we only speak English in America, rhetoric aims to pressure Hispanics to drop their native tongue. Another strategy is mocking Hispanic accents. Some White customers even refuse to work with Hispanic personnel because of their accents. A close friends aunt attested that a client refused to work with her because she had, too much of an accent. Ignoring Spanish speakers has also been used to discourage use of the language by making Hispanics feel inferior and worthless. Voicing suspicion, like announcing distrust in Spanish speakers, is another strategy used to create a hostile environment towards those who speak their native language. One would think that learning English would stop the negativity, but doubting proficiency is perhaps a desperate effort to oppress Hispanics. Interestingly, European accents are not discriminated against like Spanish is. This comes down to the bottom line that racism is a driving force in oppression. While Hispanic defines an ethnicity, people who identify as Hispanic are often people of color. Hispanics enjoy speaking in their native tongue because, it is a richer form of communication (Cobas Feagin, 2008). A bilingual friend has even said that things just get lost in translation; Spanish is a romance language after all. To build more culturally competent social work practice with Hispanic Americans, it would be beneficial to employ translators, especially because there are many Hispanics who need help but are not proficient in English.